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3D Knight's Tour
Most of you will have heard of the Knight's Tour. This is a mental exercise on an empty chessboard. You then place a Knight on ANY square on the chessboard and using the normal Knight's move you visit every square on the board once only. 3D Knights tour takes this into three dimensions. What you now have is an 8 x 8 x 8 cube that is 8 chess boards on top of each other. The same rules apply but you now have 512 'squares' to visit. There are 3 levels of difficulty - you can complete one board before moving to another board, or you are forced to change 'boards' at random intervals or the hardest level where you have to change 'boards' EVERY move. I have a functioning version available, but it needs improving.

Premiership Buster
A sort of Fantasy Football. The premiership is split into 5 groups of 4 and you get one team at random from each of the groups. You then have to predict where those five teams will finish on the last day of the season. The difference between your prediction and the actual finishing position of each team is your number of points. You total the five teams up and that is your total. Lowest wins. Weekly points totals are calculated and can be used for weekly prizes. Again a functioning version is available but I hope to get an on line version up and running. To do this I need to find out about online payments and form submissions (again this will take time).

You can contact me at Home or Work

Modified 22/01/2001 By Eamon Jurdzis Created In Frontpage 98