Star Trek

Star Trek
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Customisable Card Game
I have full sets of Premiere and Alternate Universe (Including the Future Enterprise). I also have the Silver Border Limited Edition Boxed Set of the Premiere set.

I have the original 5 video box set of the original cast movies. These are in cardboard covers in widescreen, all contained in another cardboard cover. I have a copy of the first movie which is labelled as a 'Collector's Edition' which is supposed to have 'additional footage'. This version lasts 138 minutes and although the opening cresits seem to last longer, I cat reall see where the extra footage is. People may say the first movie is crap but when you think of it, its what Star Trek was really all about - exploring the unknown.

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Modified 22/01/2001 By Eamon Jurdzis Created In Frontpage 98